TMJ Treatment in Irvine: A Non-Invasive Solution

TMJ TreatmentWhen you visit us for a TMJ treatment in Irvine, we can help you feel better right away. While few people are aware of what TMJ is, they are impacted by its symptoms. TMJ disorder is a disorder of the temporomandibular joint, which connects your jaw to the rest of your head, allowing your jaw to open and close. There is a great deal of debate surrounding what causes TMJ disorder, but from a dentist's perspective, we have found that many people suffer due to grinding or clenching their teeth at night. As with any muscle or joint, when you put constant pressure on it, you will experience pain or soreness the next day. Some people grind their teeth every night while others only do so during times of high stress.

Here are a few signs you may have TMJ:

  • Constant headaches. If you tend to wake up with a headache, you could have TMJ. The occasional one is not a cause for concern, but persistent, constant headaches are.
  • Jaw pain. This is the most telling symptom. If your jaw is sore or in pain, it is likely because of TMJ. Some people start out experiencing subtle jaw pain that intensifies when they eat or speak. If the condition goes on untreated, it can become worse, making it difficult to even open your mouth all the way. In its advanced stages, TMJ can lead to lockjaw, which can be entirely alarming. We encourage you to come in for a TMJ treatment long before you reach this point.
  • Facial pain. Even if your jaw is not feeling particularly bad, your face could feel sore or painful. This too can be caused by putting stress on your temporomandibular joint.
  • Popping noises. If you hear a persistent popping noise when you open your jaw to speak or eat, pay attention to see if it continues and visit us if it does.

TMJ treatment in Irvine

We are focused on providing you with a non-invasive solution for treating this condition. While some doctors advocate for surgery, there are conflicting reports whether surgery actually helps or makes things worse. The problem is, you cannot reverse a surgery, so this is a risk that may not be worth taking, especially if you have not tried all non-invasive solutions first. One thing you can do is change your diet to eliminate foods that are difficult to chew or hard to bite down on. Since soft foods require minimal force, the chance of your joint becoming irritated is decreased. You can also try our treatment method: a night guard. This is a device that looks similar to a full retainer. It is created using an impression of your mouth and measurements. This way, it fits snugly and securely while you sleep at night. It will not interfere with your ability to sleep, but will prevent your upper and lower teeth from touching while you do. This way, you cannot grind or clench your teeth while you sleep, and you will feel better in the morning as a result.

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