Can You Get Dental Implants for More Than one Missing Tooth?

Dental Implants Irvine, CA

Thinking about choosing dental implants to address your missing teeth problem? Even missing just one tooth can cause someone to experience multiple dental problems, e.g., shifting teeth, headaches, uneven tooth wear. According to the American Dental Association, the average adult between the ages of 20 and 64 has three or more decayed or missing teeth.

About dental implants

Understanding what dental implants are and how they are placed is the first thing one needs to do when considering implants as a tooth replacement option. An implant is a tooth replacement option that includes three different parts – the implant, the abutment and the crown. The implant is surgically inserted into the jawbone, allowing it to act just like a real tooth. The abutment is attached to the top of the implant and is what the crown, aka artificial tooth, is connected to. While the process of placing implants is a many month process, a lot of people who are missing teeth are choosing this option due to its many benefits.

Dental implant benefits

Some of the more popular implant benefits include helping prevent jawbone loss, supporting the ability to talk more naturally, they are a permanent tooth replacement option, they keep the rest of the teeth from shifting, they improve one’s ability to chew food easier, they improve one’s facial and bone structures and they both look and act just like a natural tooth. Even though dental implants cannot get cavities, they still need to be taken care of just like a natural tooth in order to avoid any implant problems.

How many teeth can implants replace?

Dental implants are a tooth replacement option that can be used to replace one tooth, multiple teeth or even all missing teeth. Single tooth implants are commonly chosen by those who are missing one, two or three teeth, while multiple tooth implants are often a choice for those who are missing more than three teeth. While some people will choose to replace all of their missing teeth by having individual implants replace each individual tooth, others will choose to have fewer implants placed so they can get implant-supported dentures.

For those who learn that they do not have a sufficient amount of jawbone to support an implant, undergoing a bone grafting procedure is an option worth looking into. While bone grafting procedures will add additional months to the overall treatment time, many people are willing to spend the extra time doing what is necessary so they can be approved to get one or more implants to replace any of their missing teeth.

Is this tooth replacement option the right choice for you?

In need of one or more dental implants? When someone is missing one or more of their teeth, they need to choose a replacement option as soon as possible to fill any gaps that are now in the mouth. The first step is making a consultation appointment, as this type of appointment allows them to understand the entire implant process.

Are you considering dental implants in the Irvine area? Get more information at

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